Friday, August 10, 2012

WOW, I have finally came up with a name for my Blog, thank you everyone who helped with this.. OK, I decided to start a blog because I have had numerous Facebook friends email, message or text me saying that they love my daily post, that they just motivate and inspire them and many are intrigued by my success with Mary Kay.. A few have said that I need to start doing a blog and share with the world my love for God, My family and my Pink Success...  So here it goes........

A little about me:
I grew up in a Loving caring family.. A mom & dad who were always there for me, no matter what bad choices I made.. they did not always support me, but they did always love me..I had 2 Amazing brothers who "acted as brothers do " while we were growing up,... but you better believe if someone was hurting me, my brothers always had my back... LOL..
My Life has not always been as blessed as it is now, so we will SKIP that part of my life and move on... And I tell you this, because everyone has their own stories where there are chapters we want to leave out and forget about... remember, those are the chapters that make us stronger.. But I want you to know, wherever you are in your life today... YOU & only YOU can CHANGE IT....

My next blessing....My Loving Hubby, Steve..  He was blessing and I didn't even know it.. He is my Rock, my Strength and keep me going sometimes.. He make me Young again..  REALLY!!!
My Miracle Blessings were my twin babies who were born at 30 weeks.. WOW, talking about a life changing experience... I remember like it was yesterday, I had NEVER prayed so much and so hard for those precious babies to make it!!!!    They are now 5 and getting ready to start Kindergarten in 2 weeks {{tears}}  Thanks to my Mary Kay business we are able to send them to a Private Christian school !!!!

My PINK blessing is when a good friend of mine Suzanne Black shared the AMAZING Mary Kay opportunity with me.. The Blessing wasn't because I was selling lots of Lipstick and eyeshadow, but because through Mary Kay, I grew an everlasting relationship with my Lord and Savior.... I have no doubts in knowing that anything I dream & believe I CAN & WILL ACHIEVE  with GOD as my Business partner & My Life Partner..  So, my dream is to share this opportunity with other women and change their lives.
My Dream is to someday be able to use my Mary Kay earnings to provide a Home & Safe Haven for Abused women & their children to go to & get away from an abusive situation ..
Please follow me on this blog as I share my family life and PINK life with you...

Nighty Nite

1 comment:

  1. YAY! So excited you have started your blog!! It is sure to be amazing and grow and grow and grow!!!

